6月23号,犹他州旅美科协会长周敏敏、顾问蒋为民,犹他华人民乐团团长陈由义等不辞劳苦驱车往返6 个小时,代表犹他华人抗疫互助联盟(CUAAC )特别捐赠 NIOSH-certified 500 N95 口罩和 4000 一次性口罩给犹他最大的Utes 印第安人部落,以实际行动关爱、帮助和支持边远山区部落的新冠防疫。On Tuesday June 23, representatives of the Chinese Utahans’ Alliance Against COVID-19 (CUAAC) drove 6 hours from Salt Lake City to the Ute Indian Tribe at Fort Duchesne of rural Utah, to deliver a donation of 500 NIOSH-certified N95 respirator masks and 4,000 medical face masks.

群力战新冠 爱心献犹他

【6/20-6/26 犹他新冠疫情简报 6:00pm 山地时间】

=== 疫情期安全措施:保持社交距离、注意消毒卫生、戴口罩勤洗手、有症状快检测 ===

  1. 美国 – 截止6pm MDT,全国确诊新冠病毒病例: 2,518,728 (总数比6月12五号增加249,018,平均每天增加35,574)。死亡: 127,088(总数增加6,077,平均每天增加868),治愈: 772,258 (总数增加67,805,平均每天增加9,686)。 (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/
  2. 犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例 20,050,总共测试 317,568人,阳性率6.31%;其中死亡病例累计 166,死亡率0.83%;估计治愈 11,097人,现存病例 8,787;现存住院病例 174,累计住院病例 1,321,占总病例的6.59%。过去14天平均增长率为每天2.82%,过去7天为每天2.66%。过去14天平均每日新增 470 例。http://castut.org/covid-19/utah0626.png. 郡(区)分布(格式:总病例/ 住院/ 死亡):Salt Lake 10,102/ 739/ 106, Utah 3,675/ 181/ 22, Bear River 1,425/ 45/ 2, Southwest Utah 1,302/ 92/ 10, Davis 1,036/ 70/ 4, Weber-Morgan 814/ 63/ 12, Summit 480/ 45/ 0, San Juan 395/ 43/ 7, Wasatch 394/ 20/ 3, Tooele 222/ 12/ 0, Central Utah 127/ 8/ 0, TriCounty 45/ 2/ 0, Southeast Utah 33/ 1/ 0.
  3. 为了应对近期出现的冠状病毒病例急剧增加的情况,州长下令暂停为期两周的对目前疫情限制条件的更改:即盐湖郡仍处于中度“橙色”风险,而10个农村郡处于“新常态”或“绿色”,而其他郡处于低风险“黄色”水平。
  4. 盐湖郡和Summit郡的居民在公共场所都要求必须戴口罩。 由于供应短缺,盐湖郡西边的免费COVID-19测试暂时取消,测试活动将在7月4日假期后重新安排。
  5. 自5月28日以来,每天新增200多个新病例,6月20日带来的单日最大增幅:643个新病例。卫生官员控制Covid-19传播的目标是:平均7天里每天不到200例新病例。 https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/06/25/utahs-covid-cases-jump
  6. 注意:居家工作者!俄罗斯犯罪集团找到了新的目标:在家工作的美国人。 一个俄罗斯勒索软件组织,其领导人在12月受到司法部的起诉,开始了对美国政府、许多美国大公司和主要新闻机构的报复行动。他们识别针对疫情期间在家工作的员工,试图利用恶意软件进入他们的网络并削弱该网络的运作。 Symantec公司最近发现了这些复杂新式攻击。 资料来源:https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/25/us/politics/russia-ransomware-coronavirus-work-home.html
  7. 由于近期对墨西哥Eskbiochem SA de CV旗下的消毒洗手液检测到甲醇的存在,在6月19号,FDA已经建议不使用任何该公司制造的消毒洗手液。完整的有害商品清单可在此找到:https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-advises-consumers-not-use-hand-sanitizer-products-manufactured-eskbiochem
  8. 美国疾控中心CDC新增了新型冠状病毒的潜在症状:流鼻涕、感到恶心和腹泻。消息来源:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html
  9. 6月23号,犹他州旅美科协会长周敏敏、顾问蒋为民,犹他华人民乐团团长陈由义等不辞劳苦驱车往返6 个小时,代表犹他华人抗疫互助联盟(CUAAC )特别捐赠 NIOSH-certified 500 N95 口罩和 4000 一次性口罩给犹他最大的Utes 印第安人部落,以实际行动关爱、帮助和支持边远山区部落的新冠防疫。

=== 疫情期安全措施:保持社交距离、注意消毒卫生、戴口罩勤洗手、有症状快检测 ===

Devotion to Our Community
All Utahns Fight Against Coronavirus

【6/20-6/26 COVID-19 Briefing by Utah Chinese Communities 6:00pm Mountain Time】

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Keep Social Distancing, Wear a Facial Mask, Frequently Wash Your Hands, Get Test If You Have a Symptom. ===

  1. U.S. Confirmed Cases: 2,518,728 (+249,018, or +35,574 per day from 06/20 to 06/26), Deaths: 127,088 (+6,077, or +868 per day), Recovered: 772,258 (+67,805, or +9,686 per day). (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/).  
  2. Utah COVID-19 Cases reported by Utah Department of Health as of today: 20,050 confirmed cases total, number of people tested 317,568, positive rate 6.31%; death cases 166, death rate 0.83%; estimated recovered cases 11,097, and active cases 8,787; currently hospitalized 174, and accumulated hospitalization 1,321, 6.59% of the total cases. The average growth is 2.82% per day for the last 14 days, and 2.66% for the last 7 days. The average number of new cases was 470 cases per day in last 14 days. http://www.castut.org/covid-19/utah0626en.png. Distribution in counties/areas in the format of “cases/ hospitalization/ death”: Salt Lake 10,102/ 739/ 106, Utah 3,675/ 181/ 22, Bear River 1,425/ 45/ 2, Southwest Utah 1,302/ 92/ 10, Davis 1,036/ 70/ 4, Weber-Morgan 814/ 63/ 12, Summit 480/ 45/ 0, San Juan 395/ 43/ 7, Wasatch 394/ 20/ 3, Tooele 222/ 12/ 0, Central Utah 127/ 8/ 0, TriCounty 45/ 2/ 0, Southeast Utah 33/ 1/ 0.
  3. In response to a recent sharp rise in cases of coronavirus, the Governor ordered a two-week moratorium on requests to alter the current restrictions — which now have Salt Lake City in at moderate-risk “orange,” 10 rural counties in the “new normal” or “green”, and the rest of the state at low-risk “yellow”  level. Mask wearing is required in public settings for Salt Lake and Summit counties. Free COVID-19 testing sessions to Salt Lake County’s west side has been cancelled due to shortage of supplies. The testing events will be rescheduled shortly after the Fourth of July holiday. Since May 28, more than 200 new cases have been reported each day, with June 20th bringing the largest single-day increase: 643 new cases. Health officials’ target to control the spread of Covid-19 is the 7-day average of less than 200 new cases per day. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/06/25/utahs-covid-cases-jump
  4. Attention: Tele-workers!  Russian criminal group finds new target: Americans Working at Home. A Russian ransomware group whose leaders were indicted by the Justice Department in December is retaliating against the U.S. government, many of America’s largest companies and a major news organization, identifying employees working from home during the pandemic and attempting to get inside their networks with malware intended to cripple their operations. Sophisticated new attacks were identified in recent days by Symantec Corporation. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/25/us/politics/russia-ransomware-coronavirus-work-home.html     
  5. Due to the presence methanol, on June 19, 2020, FDA advises not to use any hand sanitizer manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV in Mexico. The full list of potentially hazardous products can be found here: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-advises-consumers-not-use-hand-sanitizer-products-manufactured-eskbiochem.
  6. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention adds three new symptoms of novel coronavirus: runny nose, nausea and diarrhea. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html
  7. On Tuesday June 23, representatives of the Chinese Utahans’ Alliance Against COVID-19 (CUAAC) drove 6 hours from Salt Lake City to the Ute Indian Tribe at Fort Duchesne of rural Utah, to deliver a donation of 500 NIOSH-certified N95 respirator masks and 4,000 medical face masks.

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19: Keep Social Distancing, Wear a Facial Mask, Frequently Wash Your Hands, Get Test If You Have a Symptom. ===

【犹他新冠病毒疫情简报】由华人社区防护协调小组发布。该小组由犹他华人社区一群志愿服务者临时自发组成,目的是协调新冠病毒疫情防护的有关活动和信息。近两个月来得到社区的大力支持和广泛好评。随着疫情的风险级别变为中等(对应橘黄色风险等级)和经济的重启,疫情简报已经由日报改为择期汇总发布。您可以标记网址 http://www.castut.org/covid-19 以获取最新简报。如果您需要查看每天犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例等信息,请访问网站 https://coronavirus.utah.gov/ Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Utah Chinese Community Coordination Group is organized by volunteers from Chinese communities in Utah. Its purpose is to coordinate COVID-19 related efforts and information in the outbreak period. The daily briefing has shared key information among Chinese Utahans for nearly 2 months since the outbreak.