本周疫情简报是最后一次以周报的形式进行报道。今后将以快报的形式,在东方报网站专栏随时发布信息,并将择期汇总发布。您可以标记网址 https://easterntrends.wixsite.com/easterntrends/blank 以获取快报信息。特别感谢徐午、李妍、董登攀、何晓、汪刚强、盛晓明、杨晓梅等小组成员半年多来的辛勤工作。 (犹他华人社区抗疫互助联盟信息小组)

群力战新冠 爱心献犹他

【9/5-9/11 犹他新冠疫情简报 6:00pm 山地时间】

=== 疫情期安全措施:保持社交距离、注意消毒卫生、戴口罩勤洗手、有症状快检测 ===

  1. 美国 – 截止6pm MDT,全国确诊新冠病毒病例: 6,578,302(总数比9月4号增加241,940,平均每天增加34,563)。死亡: 196,523(总数增加5,393,平均每天增加770),治愈: 3,540,989 (总数增加147,867,平均每天增加21,124)。(https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/
  2. 犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例 56,675,总共测试 707,807,阳性率8.01%;其中死亡病例累计 431,死亡率0.76%;估计治愈 48,021人,现存病例 8,223;现在住院病例 123,累计住院病例 3,288,占总病例的 5.80%。过去14天平均增长率为每天0.74%,过去7天为每天0.68%。过去14天平均每日新增 401 例。http://castut.org/covid-19/utah0911.png. 郡(区)分布(格式:总病例/ 住院/ 死亡):Salt Lake 25,609/ 1,665/ 241, Utah 12,611/ 528/ 52, Davis 4,286/ 233/ 27, Southwest Utah 3,808/ 229/ 29, Weber-Morgan 3,662/ 232/ 29, Bear River 2,767/ 136/ 11, Summit 905/ 53/ 1, Tooele 756/ 34/ 0, San Juan 673/ 89/ 29, Wasatch 662/ 30/ 7, Central Utah 548/ 35/ 3, TriCounty 225/ 18/ 1, Southeast Utah 163/ 6/ 1.
  3. 犹他州官方星期四推出了一项新的COVID-19计划-它将指导整个秋季和冬季全州的工作,并公布了一个在线记分板,让公众监督政府绩效。 该计划基于两个主要目标:将州的病死率保持在1%以下,将失业率保持在4.5%以下。 当前尚未实现的目标包括:每天7天的案件平均滚动日数少于400,持续的失业申请少于50,000,和消费者信心指数大于101。https://coronavirus.utah.gov/scoreboard/
  4. AstraZeneca 和牛津大学联合研发的疫苗三期实验暂停, 因英国出现了一个有严重副作用的实验对象。 另外两个疫苗 candidates, Moderna 因为要录入更多的少数族裔进入三期,所以出现延误;辉瑞目前还在按计划进行。  https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/08/astrazeneca-shares-fall-after-coronavirus-vaccine-study-is-put-on-hold.html
  5. 九位药界CEO签署历史性誓言:2020年9月8日,美国纽约——阿斯利康 (LSE/STO/NYSE: AZN)、BioNTech (NASDAQ: BNTX)、葛兰素史克 (LSE/NYSE: GSK)、强生 (NYSE: JNJ)、默沙东 (NYSE: MRK,在美国和加拿大称作默克)、Moderna (Nasdaq: MRNA)、诺瓦瓦克斯 (Nasdaq: NVAX)、辉瑞 (NYSE: PFE) 和赛诺菲 (NASDAQ: SNY) 九家生物制药企业CEO于今日宣布一份历史性誓言,共同承诺在未来向全球监管机构提交COVID-19疫苗的申报资料和审批申请时将坚守科学诚信,在COVID-19疫苗研发中,坚持以接种人的安全和健康为第一要务。https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/08/nine-biopharma-ceos-pledge-to-make-safety-the-main-focus-in-coronavirus-vaccine-development.html
  6. 本周疫情简报是最后一次以周报的形式进行报道。以后将改成两周一报的形式。下一次简报计划将在9月25日发布。(犹他华人社区抗疫互助联盟信息小组 http://www.castut.org/covid-19)

=== 疫情期安全措施:保持社交距离、注意消毒卫生、戴口罩勤洗手、有症状快检测 ===

Devotion to Our Community
All Utahns Fight Against Coronavirus

【9/5-9/11 COVID-19 Briefing by Utah Chinese Communities 6:00pm Mountain Time】

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Keep Social Distancing, Wear a Facial Mask, Frequently Wash Your Hands, Get Test If You Have a Symptom. ===

  1. U.S. Confirmed Cases: 6,578,362 (+241,940, or +34,563 per day from 09/05 to 09/11), Deaths: 196,523 (+5,393, or +770 per day), Recovered: 3,540,989 (+147,867, or +21,124 per day). (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/).  
  2. Utah COVID-19 Cases reported by Utah Department of Health as of today: 56,675 confirmed cases total, number of people tested 707,807, positive rate 8.01%; death cases 431, death rate 0.76%; estimated recovered cases 48,021, and active cases 8,223; currently hospitalized 123, and accumulated hospitalization 3,288, 5.80% of the total cases. The average growth is 0.74% per day for the last 14 days, and 0.68% for the last 7 days. The average number of new cases was 401 cases per day in last 14 days. http://www.castut.org/covid-19/utah0911en.png. Distribution in counties/areas in the format of “cases/ hospitalization/ death”: Salt Lake 25,609/ 1,665/ 241, Utah 12,611/ 528/ 52, Davis 4,286/ 233/ 27, Southwest Utah 3,808/ 229/ 29, Weber-Morgan 3,662/ 232/ 29, Bear River 2,767/ 136/ 11, Summit 905/ 53/ 1, Tooele 756/ 34/ 0, San Juan 673/ 89/ 29, Wasatch 662/ 30/ 7, Central Utah 548/ 35/ 3, TriCounty 225/ 18/ 1, Southeast Utah 163/ 6/ 1.
  3. State leaders on Thursday rolled out a new COVID-19 plan that they say will see the state through the fall and winter — and unveiled an online scoreboard for holding them to account. The plan rests on two major goals: Keeping the state’s case fatality rate below 1% and holding the unemployment rate below 4.5%. The currently unmet goals include: 7 Day Rolling Average of Cases per Day lower than 400, Continued Unemployment Claims lower than 50,000, and Consumer Confidence Index higher than 101. https://coronavirus.utah.gov/scoreboard/
  4. Phase III trial of AstraZeneca-Oxyford Covid-19 vaccine is on hold due to a potentially unexplained illness in one of the trials. The vaccine candidate developed by Moderna is delayed to seek more minority volunteers, while Pfizer will be going on as planed. Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/08/astrazeneca-shares-fall-after-coronavirus-vaccine-study-is-put-on-hold.html
  5. On Sept 8, 2020 CEOs of nine big pharma pledged to make safety the main focus in coronavirus vaccine development. In this historic pledge, it outlined a united commitment to uphold the integrity of the scientific process as they work towards potential global regulatory filings and approvals of the first COVID-19 vaccines. source: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/08/nine-biopharma-ceos-pledge-to-make-safety-the-main-focus-in-coronavirus-vaccine-development.html
  6. Starting next week the Chinese Community COVID-19 news briefing will be published on a biweekly basis. Next time will be Sep. 25. (http://www.castut.org/covid-19

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19: Keep Social Distancing, Wear a Facial Mask, Frequently Wash Your Hands, Get Test If You Have a Symptom. ===

【犹他新冠病毒疫情简报】由华人社区防护协调小组发布。该小组由犹他华人社区一群志愿服务者临时自发组成,目的是协调新冠病毒疫情防护的有关活动和信息。近两个月来得到社区的大力支持和广泛好评。随着疫情的风险级别变为中等(对应橘黄色风险等级)和经济的重启,疫情简报已经由日报改为择期汇总发布。您可以标记网址 http://www.castut.org/covid-19 以获取最新简报。如果您需要查看每天犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例等信息,请访问网站 https://coronavirus.utah.gov/. Chinese Utahns Alliance Against COVID-19(CUAAC) is organized by volunteers from Chinese communities in Utah. Its purpose is to coordinate COVID-19 related efforts and information in the outbreak period. The newsletter has shared key information among Chinese Utahans for more than 6 months since the outbreak.