主讲嘉宾:福布斯杂志封面人物–30岁以下名人榜 Christina Qi

Christina Qi (齐纯然)是犹他本地 Hillcrest High School 的毕业生, 也是科协早期的高中生奖的获得者。她在MIT读书期间,和同学一起成功创建了一个对冲基金。现在她是 MIT 的董事会成员之一。她的成长经历,和另外20名亚裔杰出青年一起,被收入了 “Uplifted” 一书 ,该书主题是介绍亚裔青年企业家和活动家在美国的环境下如何顽强生存,茁壮成长的。

Christina 将通过zoom 和大家分享她的创业经历。最先20位进入讲座的人可以得到她捐赠的“Uplifted” 一书。


Meeting ID: 89717909103

Passcode: 534092

Title: From $0 to $7 billion: Harsh lessons from the startup world.

Speaker: Christina Qi

In this talk and Q&A, Utah native Christina Qi opens up about her experience starting a trading firm from her college dorm room 10 years ago, as well as the many lessons learned over the years. She will discuss some career advice and answer any questions. Everyone is welcome, and all questions are welcome too!