
群力战新冠 爱心献犹他

【7/25-7/31 犹他新冠疫情简报 6:00pm 山地时间】

=== 疫情期安全措施:保持社交距离、注意消毒卫生、戴口罩勤洗手、有症状快检测 ===

  1. 美国 – 截止6pm MDT,全国确诊新冠病毒病例: 4,659,800 (总数比7月24号增加458,800,平均每天增加65,543)。死亡: 155,894(总数增加8,039,平均每天增加1148),治愈: 2,275,236 (总数增加1,017,638,平均每天增加145,376)。 (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/
  2. 犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例 40,196,总共测试 528,910,阳性率7.6%;其中死亡病例累计 305,死亡率0.76%;估计治愈 28,130人,现存病例 11,761;现在住院病例 213,累计住院病例 2,377,占总病例的 5.91%。过去14天平均增长率为每天1.42%,过去7天为每天1.1%。过去一周每日新增病例有明显下降,过去14天平均每日新增 527 例。http://castut.org/covid-19/utah0731.png. 郡(区)分布(格式:总病例/ 住院/ 死亡):Salt Lake 18,090/ 1,170/ 156, Utah 7,194/ 333/ 31, Southwest Utah 2,750/ 151/ 22, Davis 2,695/ 153/ 11, Weber-Morgan 2,352/ 143/ 24, Bear River 2,091/ 84/ 5, Summit 669/ 52/ 1, San Juan 582/ 74/ 19, Wasatch 515/ 20/ 4, Tooele 487/ 22/ 0, Central Utah 341/ 19/ 1, TriCounty 137/ 8/ 0, Southeast Utah 70/ 5/ 0.
  3. 盐湖市的学校经该市教育委员会周四批准秋季开学将从9月8日开始在网上,上所有课程。临时学区监督 Larry Madden说,学区用两个标准来决定是否允许学生返校:1. 盐湖县的检测平均阳性率达到被测者的5%;目前为9.32%。2.  盐湖县新冠病例数低于每10万人中有10个病人; 现在是17.9/10万。任何重新开放的决定都将是同期中成绩或学期结束相符合,以免打乱教学和评分。 第一学期将于10月30日结束。https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2020/07/30/salt-lake-city-schools/
  4. 犹他州发布COVID-19学校手册,指导K-12学校的秋季开学。根据新的所谓的“改良隔离”措施,父母可以选择与新冠病毒者密切接触后,将孩子留在家中或送他们上课;只要学生没有出现任何新冠症状,直系亲属中没有人检测出阳性,父母就可以这样做。教师和教职员工也可以继续按照相同的规则工作,特别是在没有替代老师的情况下。卫生部门建议,只有在15个人在同一时间测试出阳性后,学校才应关闭(在少于100人的学校中,只有10%)。关闭时间应为两周,即病毒的潜伏期。要使一个教室转为线上教学,必需有三个人有COVID-19。指南中的唯一的法律规定是:公立K-12学校的学生和教职工必须戴口罩。该指南尚未获得教师工会的支持。 https://coronavirus.utah.gov/ 和 https://saltlaketribune-ut.newsmemory.com/
  5. 在7月28号,盐湖郡开展了第二轮小企业受COVID-19影响的纾困计划。在本轮计划中,所有工商业包括那些收到其他联邦、州或本地COVID-19救助的均符合条件。收到CARES法案金融帮助不超过$35,000的也符合申请条件。申请的条件要求可在次看到:https://slco.org/covid-19/economy/grants/.

=== 疫情期安全措施:保持社交距离、注意消毒卫生、戴口罩勤洗手、有症状快检测 ===

Devotion to Our Community
All Utahns Fight Against Coronavirus

【7/25-7/31 COVID-19 Briefing by Utah Chinese Communities 6:00pm Mountain Time】

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Keep Social Distancing, Wear a Facial Mask, Frequently Wash Your Hands, Get Test If You Have a Symptom. ===

  1. U.S. Confirmed Cases: 4,659,800 (+458,800, or +65,543 per day from 07/25 to 07/31), Deaths: 155,894 (+8,039, or +1,148 per day), Recovered: 2,275,236 (+1,017,638, or +145,376 per day). (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/).  
  2. Utah COVID-19 Cases reported by Utah Department of Health as of today: 40,196 confirmed cases total, number of people tested 528,910, positive rate 7.6%; death cases 305, death rate 0.76%; estimated recovered cases 28,130, and active cases 11,761; currently hospitalized 213, and accumulated hospitalization 2,377, 5.91% of the total cases. The average growth is 1.42% per day for the last 14 days, and 1.1% for the last 7 days. In the past week, the daily new cases show a clear decrease, and the average number of new cases was 527 cases per day in last 14 days. http://www.castut.org/covid-19/utah0731en.png. Distribution in counties/areas in the format of “cases/ hospitalization/ death”: Salt Lake 18,090/ 1,170/ 156, Utah 7,194/ 333/ 31, Southwest Utah 2,750/ 151/ 22, Davis 2,695/ 153/ 11, Weber-Morgan 2,352/ 143/ 24, Bear River 2,091/ 84/ 5, Summit 669/ 52/ 1, San Juan 582/ 74/ 19, Wasatch 515/ 20/ 4, Tooele 487/ 22/ 0, Central Utah 341/ 19/ 1, TriCounty 137/ 8/ 0, Southeast Utah 70/ 5/ 0.
  3. School: Most Utah schools, colleges are expected to open this fall, but Salt Lake City schools will start on Sept. 8 with all classes online, approved by the district’s board of education Thursday. In order to return to school in person, interim Superintendent Larry Madden said the district is looking at two benchmarks. The average positivity rate in the greater county, he said, will need to be at 5% of those tested. Currently, it’s at 9.32%. The district is also watching the cases per 100,000 people. To reopen, it will need to be below 10. Right now, it’s at 17.9. Any reopening will be aligned with either the midway mark or end of a quarter to not disrupt classes and grading. The first quarter ends Oct. 30. https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2020/07/30/salt-lake-city-schools/
  4. The State’s COVID-19 School Manual for K-12 schools’ reopening in fall has been released. Under what officials are calling “a modified quarantine,” parents will be given the choice to keep children home or send them back to class after close contact with the contagious virus— which they can do as long as the student is not showing any symptoms and no one in the immediate household has tested positive. Teachers and staff, too, can continue to come to work with the same rules, especially in cases where there are no substitutes available. Schools should only shut down, the health department advises, after 15 individuals have tested positive in the same time frame (or 10% in schools with fewer than 100 people). And then, the closure should be for two weeks, the incubation period of the virus. For a single classroom to go online, there would need to be three people with COVID-19. The only mandate is that students and staff in public K-12 schools wear masks. This guideline has not received the teachers union’s support. https://coronavirus.utah.gov/ and https://saltlaketribune-ut.newsmemory.com/
  5. On July 28, Salt Lake County launched Round 2 of the COVID-19 Small Business Impact Grant Program. In Round 2, all business industries are eligible to apply, as well as those who received other federal, state, or local COVID-19 aid. Those who received financial aid through CARES Act funding are eligible if their amount did not exceed $35,000.  Eligibility requirements are detailed on the program’s website: https://slco.org/covid-19/economy/grants/.

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19: Keep Social Distancing, Wear a Facial Mask, Frequently Wash Your Hands, Get Test If You Have a Symptom. ===

【犹他新冠病毒疫情简报】由华人社区防护协调小组发布。该小组由犹他华人社区一群志愿服务者临时自发组成,目的是协调新冠病毒疫情防护的有关活动和信息。近两个月来得到社区的大力支持和广泛好评。随着疫情的风险级别变为中等(对应橘黄色风险等级)和经济的重启,疫情简报已经由日报改为择期汇总发布。您可以标记网址 http://www.castut.org/covid-19 以获取最新简报。如果您需要查看每天犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例等信息,请访问网站 https://coronavirus.utah.gov/ Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Utah Chinese Community Coordination Group is organized by volunteers from Chinese communities in Utah. Its purpose is to coordinate COVID-19 related efforts and information in the outbreak period. The daily briefing has shared key information among Chinese Utahans for nearly 2 months since the outbreak.