Shades of Rocks and Sand
Though the deserts and canyons of Utah are inhabitable because of the heat and lack of water, those factors do not stop the beauty entrenched in the rock formation of the canyon walls formed from a millennium of erosion. Despite the lack of plants and flowers, save for species of cacti, and little sign of life, the colors of the rock more than make up for beauty during sunrise and sunset. Most times, the surroundings of rock and sand may look customary for a desert in its shades of red and orange, but the refraction or light during the start and end of a day render the surface of the rock in a multitude of colors unique for desert environments, ranging from rich purples to blues, bathing the canyon in a breathtaking beauty of its own.
Xinyue, Grade 12
Salt Lake City, UT

天鹅湖 (水彩画)
Swan Lake
袁毓熹, Grade 6
Providence,Cache County, UT

花好月圆 (国画)
Blooming flowers under the full moon
The mid-autumn festival is a traditional Chinese holiday, and is one of my favorites. During this time, family and friends can get together and view the full moon. “花好月圆” describes how the flowers are in bloom as the moon is at its fullest, while also symbolizing the reunion of relatives
杜玮,Alicia, Grade 11
Salt Lake City,UT

Pure Lotus
瞿晏炜, Grade 6
Holladay,Salt Lake County, UT

Cute Kitten
瞿晏珥, Grade 1
Holladay, Salt Lake County, UT

中国竹 (国画)
Chinese Bamboo
户高理久,Riku,Grade 7
South Jordan, Salt Lake County, UT

葫芦兄弟 (国画)
Bottle Gourd Brothers
蒋均泓,Grade 3
Millcreek, Salt Lake County, UT

葫芦 (国画)
The Bottle Gourd
葫芦的谐音是“福禄”。 福是和谐,代表的是家庭的幸福,平安。 禄代表的是升官发财,代表的是财富。 葫芦是人们求对生活的一个向往,希望生活平平安安,财源滚滚,其次,葫芦的枝叶是盘缠的,不断的攀援向上,葫芦里面的籽也是非常多的,代表的生命力的旺盛,象征着顽强的生命力,寓意子孙昌盛,多子多福幸福绵长。
陈思文, Skylar,Grade 2
Holladay,Salt Lake County, UT

大师兄,此非八戒的所为也 (国画)
A Tale of Journey to the West
蒋均实,Grade 6
Millcreek, Salt Lake County,UT
猪八戒吃西瓜  (国画)
Zhu-ba-jie eats watermelon
维微,   Grade 9
Bountiful, Davis County, UT

西游记人物 – 美猴王(国画)
Monkey King
潘笑语, Grade 3
Lehi, Utah County, UT

猪八戒偷瓜 (国画)
Zhu Ba Jie
户高日向, Hyuga, Grade 4
South Jordan, Salt Lake County, UT