
【3/31 犹他新冠疫情简要日报 6:00pm 山地时间】


  1. 美国 – 截止6pm MDT,全国确诊感染新冠病毒病例: 188,588 (自昨晚6pm +25,097)。死亡: 3,901(+883),治愈: 7,024(+1,260)。 (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/)
  2. 犹他州UDOH 中午公布的确诊感染新冠病毒病例 887(+81),总共测试 18,513人,阳性率4.79%;其中住院人数累计 73,死亡病例累计 5(+1)。犹他州感染新冠病毒病例的增⻓仍然为亚指数增⻓ (p=0.73):http://castut.org/covid-19/utah0331.jpg 。主要分布的郡:Salt Lake 396(+36), Summit 172(+5), Davis 84(+7), Utah 70(+13), Wasatch 50(+6);外州访客 22(+3)。年龄分布:0-14  2%;15-24  13%,25-44  41%,45-64  32%,65+  11%。
  3. CDC 更新了COVID-19紧急就医警告的症状为:呼吸困难、持续性疼痛或胸部压力、突然出现的迷惑或昏睡、嘴唇或脸发蓝,及有其他严重症状或相关症状。(https://coronavirus.utah.gov/cdc-updates/)
  4. 截至到目前,犹他州的测试依然要求具有特定症状或属于高危人群类别。 Intermountain Healthcare在20个诊所提供了测试点。犹他大学医院提供了四个“车内”检测点。位于帕克城的测试点将于本周四(四月二号)开始运行,为那些有感冒症状的人员进行检测。新的测试点位于Park City Ice Arena停车场。 测试条件及测试点信息可在犹他州政府网站获得:https://coronavirus.utah.gov/testing-locations/
  5. 特朗普总统、Fauci和Birx专家医生表示,COVID-19传播可能会在接下来的两周内达到峰值,故“总统新冠病毒指南”延长至4月底。Birx医生介绍了华盛顿大学的IHME模型对医院资源需求的预测。犹他州COVID-19病患对医院资源(医院病床,ICU病床和呼吸机)的高峰需求期可能会在4/23至4/28,而同期死亡病例可能达每天17人 (https://covid19.healthdata.org)。
  6. 自3月24日发出筹款捐物倡议以来,犹他州旅美科协(CAST-UT)率领犹他华人(亚裔)社区各社团组织及个人迅速筹捐首批善款。截止3/31 17:55 pm MDT,共筹得款项 $45.7K。其中,三位乐捐善助的“儒商绅士”韩明山、林壮基、苏冠城共捐助$17K;包括盐湖城华助中心、犹他华人金钉协会以及联盟各协会在内的社团组织共捐助$15.1K;其他个人捐助共计$13.6K。如何捐款请见 http://castut.org/covid-19/proposal-donation.pdf 。物资采购组经过认真核对货源,已经用所筹部分款项订购了符合美国官方标准的N95口罩,争取尽快运抵盐湖城。


Devotion to Our Community
All Utahns Fight Against Coronavirus

【3/31 COVID-19 Briefing by Utah Chinese Communities 6:00pm Mountain Time】

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Shelter in Place, Keep 6’ Distance, Stay Calm, Tele-commute and Tele-medicine. ===

  1. U.S. Confirmed Cases: 188,588 (+25,097), Deaths: 3,901(+883), Recovered: 7,024(+1,260). (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/)
  2. Utah COVID-19 Cases reported by UDOH as of today: 887(+81) confirmed cases total, number of people tested 18,513, positive rate 4.79%; Hospitalization 73, death cases 5(+1). The growth of coronavirus cases in Utah remains subexponential (p=0.73): http://www.castut.org/covid-19/utah0331en.jpg. Major counties of distribution: Salt Lake 396(+36), Summit 172(+5), Davis 84(+7), Utah 70(+13), Wasatch 50(+6); Visitors 22(+3). Age distribution: 0-14  2%; 15-24  13%, 25-44  41%, 45-64  32%, 65+  11%.
  3. CDC updated the emergency warning signs for COVID-19 to get medical attention immediately, including: Trouble breathing, Persistent pain or pressure in the chest, New confusion or inability to arouse, Bluish lips or face or other severe symptoms. (https://coronavirus.utah.gov/cdc-updates/)
  4. Currently, Intermountain Healthcare provides 20 ambulatory COVID-19 testing sites statewide, together with 4 in-car testing sites provided by University of Utah Healthcare The fifth in-car testing site will be available at Park City Ice Arena parking lot flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath). The tests at the new site will be starting from this Thursday (April 2nd). The information for testing sites is available here: https://coronavirus.utah.gov/testing-locations/.
  5. President Trump with Drs. Fauci and Birx, said that the COVID-19 spread may reach its peak in next two weeks and extended the Presidential Coronavirus Guidelines to the end of April. Dr. Birx introduced the University of Washington IHME prediction on hospital resource needs. Utah’s peak time for hospital resource needs (hospital bed, ICU bed, and invasive ventilator) could be from 4/23-4/28, while potential death cases could be 17 per day (https://covid19.healthdata.org). 

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Shelter in Place, Keep 6’ Distance, Stay Calm, Tele-commute and Tele-medicine. ===

【犹他新冠病毒疫情简要日报】由华人社区防护协调小组发布。该小组由犹他华人社区一群志愿服务者临时自发组成,目的是协调新冠病毒疫情的有关活动和信息。本简报将每天晚上汇集并分享和华人社区最紧密的疫情消息,欢迎各界人士的支持和指正。Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Utah Chinese Community Coordination Group is organized by volunteers from Chinese communities in Utah. Its purpose is to coordinate COVID-19 related efforts and information in the outbreak period. This daily evening briefing shares key information among Chinese Utahans.