猶他越棉寮華人相济會(UICBS)协同犹他州旅美科协(CAST-UT)、犹他华人金钉协会等抗疫互助联盟组织将举办“疫情时期的精神和心理健康”视频讲座。特地邀请到盐湖城的两位心理专家王惠明老师与関丽芬老师,义务讲解如何通过调整适应走出应激反应,更成熟、更理性地应对疫情。讲座时间:犹他本地时间4月17日周五晚 7:30。语言:中文。详情请见海报:http://www.castut.org/covid-19/UICBS-lecture-0417.pdf

群力战新冠 爱心献犹他

【4/16 犹他新冠疫情简要日报 6:00pm 山地时间】

=== 疫情期间安全措施:自我隔离、保持6英尺距离、平静面对、远程工作和病症咨询 ===

  1. 美国 – 截止6pm MDT,全国确诊新冠病毒病例: 674,173 (自昨晚6pm +31,274)。死亡: 34,450(+6,001*),治愈: 54,703(+2,398)。 (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/) ;*说明:包括纽约市周二采用新的统计方式后额外增加的3,778人
  2. 犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例 2,683(+141) ,总共测试 49,678人,阳性率5.40%;其中住院人数累计 238(+17),占总病例的8.87%;死亡病例累计 21(+1),死亡率0.78%;治愈 357人。犹他州新冠病毒病例的增⻓基本符合亚指数增⻓(p=0.55):http://castut.org/covid-19/utah0416.png. 过去14天平均增长率为每天5.05%,过去7天为每天3.81%。郡(区)分布(格式:总病例/ 住院/ 死亡):Salt Lake 1,377/ 125/ 12, Summit 308/ 29/ 0, Utah 387/ 21/ 4, Davis 220/ 21/ 2, Weber-Morgan 108/ 11/ 1, Wasatch 103/ 5/ 1,  Southwest Utah 61/ 9/ 1, Bear River 51/ 9/ 0, Tooele 38/ 4/ 0, San Juan 9/ 2/ 0, TriCounty 9/ 1/ 0, Central Utah 8/ 1/ 0, Southeast Utah 4/ 0/ 0.
  3. 医疗保险对于COVID-19测试的覆盖做了扩展。 医疗护理和医疗救助服务中心、美国劳工部和财政部发布对私人医疗保险关于COVID-19的覆盖指导,其中检测、及有关服务和抗体测试将免费进行。并明细的指出参加群组保险方案和个人保险方案的不需要支付检测费用及有关服务或者抗体检测。这包括紧急护理、急诊室、个人约见医生或电话电话咨询后,要求对COVID-19的测试。
  4. 犹他教育系统收到国会通过的CARES法案下对犹他学校和高等教育的救助。总金额超过两亿美元,其中六千七百八十万会拨给犹他教育部门隶属的公立K-12学校,包括犹他教育部门承包和托管的学校。犹他高校系统里的大学和学院收到九千八百六十万美元的救助拨款。来源:https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/4/15/21222298/utah-covid-19-relief-schools-colleges-million-200
  5. 健康巴士“现在为任何没有保险的人员提供免费的COVID-19的测试。有保险的人员参与测试将要求提供保险信息,现在所有的健保计划都覆盖了测试的费用。 尽管倾向于先预约再测试,但是也接受直接前去要求测试。因为是drive-thru测试,所以要求测试者最好呆在车里。”健康巴士“的测试时间表如下:
  • 周二:12-4PM. Central Park Community Center, 2797 S 200 E, South Salt Lake, 84115
  • 周四:12-4PM. Sorenson Unity Center, 1383 S 900 W, Glendale, 84104
  • 周五:12-4PM. Copperview/MidValley Centers, 8446 s Harrison St, Midvale 84047


Devotion to Our Community
All Utahns Fight Against Coronavirus

【4/16 COVID-19 Briefing by Utah Chinese Communities 6:00pm Mountain Time】

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Shelter in Place, Keep 6’ Distance, Stay Calm, Tele-commute and Tele-medicine. ===

  1. U.S. Confirmed Cases: 674,173(+31,274), Deaths: 34,450(+6,001*), Recovered:54,703(+2,398). (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/).   * Including 3,778 deaths under new count policy introduced by New York City on Tuesday.
  2. Utah COVID-19 Cases reported by Utah Department of Health as of today: 2,683(+141) confirmed cases total, number of people tested 49,678, positive rate 5.40%; Hospitalization 238(+17), 8.87% of the total cases; death cases 21(+1), death rate 0.78%; recovered cases 357. The growth of coronavirus cases in Utah has been mainly following subexponential growth trend (p=0.55): http://www.castut.org/covid-19/utah0416en.png. The average growth is 5.05% per day for the last 14 days, and 3.81% for the last 7 days. Distribution in counties/areas in the format of “cases/ hospitalization/ death”: Salt Lake 1,377/ 125/ 12, Summit 308/ 29/ 0, Utah 387/ 21/ 4, Davis 220/ 21/ 2, Weber-Morgan 108/ 11/ 1, Wasatch 103/ 5/ 1,  Southwest Utah 61/ 9/ 1, Bear River 51/ 9/ 0, Tooele 38/ 4/ 0, San Juan 9/ 2/ 0, TriCounty 9/ 1/ 0, Central Utah 8/ 1/ 0, Southeast Utah 4/ 0/ 0.
  3. Coverage for diagnostic services has been expanded. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), together with the Departments of Labor and the Treasury, issued guidance to ensure Americans with private health insurance have coverage of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnostic testing and certain related services, including antibody testing, at no cost. Specifically, it requires group health plans and group and individual health insurance to cover both diagnostic testing and certain related items and services provided during a medical visit with no cost sharing. This includes urgent care visits, emergency room visits, and in-person or telehealth visits to the doctor’s office that result in an order for or administration of a COVID-19 test.
  4. Under the CARES Act passed by Congress, Utah schools and colleges will receive more than $200 million in federal relief funding aimd coronavirus pandemic. $67.8 million of that will go specifically to public K-12 schools, including charters, overseen by the Utah Board of Education. $98.6 million goest to Utah System of Higher Educations colleges and universities. source: https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/4/15/21222298/utah-covid-19-relief-schools-colleges-million-200
  5. The Wellness Bus is offering no-cost testing to those without insurance, regardless of documentation status. If someone has insurance, they will bill their insurance. All insurance plans are now covering the cost of the test.  They prefer that people make an appointment, (801-747-9547) but they can come without one, preferably in their car as we are doing drive-thru testing. The Wellness Bus Testing Schedule:
  • Tues    12-4PM. Central Park Community Center, 2797 S 200 E, South Salt Lake, 84115
  • Thur    12-4PM. Sorenson Unity Center, 1383 S 900 W, Glendale, 84104
  • Fri       12-4PM. Copperview/MidValley Centers, 8446 s Harrison St, Midvale 84047

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Shelter in Place, Keep 6’ Distance, Stay Calm, Tele-commute and Tele-medicine. ===

【犹他新冠病毒疫情简要日报】由华人社区防护协调小组发布。该小组由犹他华人社区一群志愿服务者临时自发组成,目的是协调新冠病毒疫情的有关活动和信息。本简报将每天晚上汇集并分享和华人社区最紧密的疫情消息,欢迎各界人士的支持和指正。Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Utah Chinese Community Coordination Group is organized by volunteers from Chinese communities in Utah. Its purpose is to coordinate COVID-19 related efforts and information in the outbreak period. This daily evening briefing shares key information among Chinese Utahans.