LDS教会、Intermountain Healthcare和犹他大学医院合作成立ProjectProtect 项目,计划在接下来五周内,每周寻找一万名志愿者来缝制五百万个医用口罩来帮助奋战在新冠疫情第一线的医护工作者。如果你懂得缝纫或拥有缝纫器械请提供你的帮助。更多信息请见:。
ProjectProtect, a joint partnership of Latter-day Saint Charities, Intermountain Healthcare and University of Utah Health, is seeking 10,000 volunteers per week for five weeks to make 5 million medical-grade masks to shield health care workers on the front lines of Utah’s pandemic response. If you can sew or have access to a single-needle sewing machine, please offer your help here:
群力战新冠 爱心献犹他
【4/19 犹他新冠疫情简要日报 6:00pm 山地时间】
=== 疫情期间安全措施:自我隔离、保持6英尺距离、平静面对、远程工作和病症咨询 ===
- 美国 – 截止6pm MDT,全国确诊新冠病毒病例: 765,954 (自昨晚6pm +25,696)。死亡: 40,677(+1,613),治愈: 70,337(+4,645)。 (
- 犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例 3,069(+138),总共测试 63,555人,阳性率4.83%;其中住院人数累计 259(+8),占总病例的8.44%;死亡病例累计 27(+2),死亡率0.88%;治愈 679(+114)人。犹他州新冠病毒病例的增⻓基本符合亚指数增⻓(p=0.52):。过去14天平均增长率为每天4.49%,过去7天为每天4.56%。郡(区)分布(格式:总病例/ 住院/ 死亡):Salt Lake 1,615/ 135/ 15, Utah 455/ 24/ 5, Summit 318/ 31/ 0, Davis 236/ 21/ 2, Weber-Morgan 119/ 13/ 1, Wasatch 111/ 6/ 1, Southwest Utah 66/ 9/ 1, Bear River 54/ 9/ 0, Tooele 42/ 4/ 0, San Juan 22/ 5/ 2, TriCounty 10/ 1/ 0, Central Utah 15/ 1/ 0, Southeast Utah 6/ 0/ 0.
- 美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institute)关于“国家新冠病毒应对措施:重新开放的路线图”的报告列出了重新开放城市或州的四个基本标准:该州的医院必须能够安全地治疗所有需要住院的患者,而不必诉诸危机标准的护理;该州至少应能够测试每个有症状的人;政府有能力对已确认的病例和接触者进行监测; 且病例数量必须持续减少至少14天。见
- 州卫生厅报告了Covid-19种族/族裔数据:截至4月19日,亚洲人口中有91例,占总数的3%,每10万人中有88.2例; 白人/非西班牙裔或拉丁美洲裔 – 1566例,占总数的51%,每10万人中有65.4例; 西班牙裔或拉丁裔 – 940例,占30.6%,每10万人中有222.7例; 黑人/非裔美国人 – 55例,1.8%,104.4 / 100,000。 资料来源:
- 红十字会在寻找已痊愈的COVID-19病人去捐献血浆,来帮助COVID-19危重病人。符合条件的捐赠者需要满足一下条件:1) 年龄至少17岁且体重100磅以上,对于18岁及以上的捐赠者会有额外的体重要求;2) 处于健康状态,感觉良好, 即使在接受慢性病的治疗也可能符合条件; 3) 此前已被确认感染COVID-19,但是现在没有任何症状,处于痊愈状态。详情请见:
- 犹他州新冠病毒热线电话:1-800-456-7707
- 犹他大学COVID-19 热线电话:1-801-587-0712
- Intermountain Healthcare新冠病毒热线电话:1-844-442-5224
- Intermountain提供COVID-19自我检查助手:
- CDC网页
- Utah新冠病毒工作组网页
- Utah新冠病毒工作组捐赠网页
- 在美中国公民疫情防范网页
- 犹他州20个华人亚裔社团【致犹他州社区、各界朋友倡议书】
- 犹他华人社区抗疫联盟 筹款捐物链接
- 犹他华人在行动社交媒体报道:
- 犹他州劳动力服务部(内有失业救济申请等):
- 我们衷心希望你能把你所做的贡献,请告诉犹他华人华侨抗疫联盟:
Devotion to Our Community
All Utahns Fight Against Coronavirus
【4/19 COVID-19 Briefing by Utah Chinese Communities 6:00pm Mountain Time】
=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Shelter in Place, Keep 6’ Distance, Stay Calm, Tele-commute and Tele-medicine. ===
- U.S. Confirmed Cases: 765,954(+25,696), Deaths: 40,677(+1,613), Recovered:70,337(+4,645). (
- Utah COVID-19 Cases reported by Utah Department of Health as of today: 3,069(+138) confirmed cases total, number of people tested 63,555, positive rate 4.83%; Hospitalization 259(+8), 8.44% of the total cases; death cases 27(+2), death rate 0.88%; recovered cases 679(+114). The growth of coronavirus cases in Utah has been mainly following subexponential growth trend (p=0.52): The average growth is 4.49% per day for the last 14 days, and 4.56% for the last 7 days. Distribution in counties/areas in the format of “cases/ hospitalization/ death”: Salt Lake 1,615/ 135/ 15, Utah 455/ 24/ 5, Summit 318/ 31/ 0, Davis 236/ 21/ 2, Weber-Morgan 119/ 13/ 1, Wasatch 111/ 6/ 1, Southwest Utah 66/ 9/ 1, Bear River 54/ 9/ 0, Tooele 42/ 4/ 0, San Juan 22/ 5/ 2, TriCounty 10/ 1/ 0, Central Utah 15/ 1/ 0, Southeast Utah 6/ 0/ 0.
- American Enterprise Institute’s report on the National Coronavirus Response: A ROAD MAP TO REOPENING listed four benchmarks for reopening cities or states: Hospitals in the state must be able to safely treat all patients requiring hospitalization, without resorting to crisis standards of care; the state needs to be able to at least test everyone who has symptoms; the state is able to conduct monitoring of confirmed cases and contacts; and there must be a sustained reduction in cases for at least 14 days. See
- UDOH reported Covid-19 race/ethnicity data: As of April 19, for Asian population there are 91 cases, 3% of total cases, 88.2 cases per 100,000 population; for White alone/not Hispanic or Latino – 1566 cases, 51% of total, 65.4 cases per 100,000; for Hispanic or Latino – 940 cases, 30.6%, 222.7 per 100,000; for Black/African American – 55 cases, 1.8%, 104.4/100,000. Source:
- The red cross seeking fully-recovered COVID-19 patients able to donate plasma to help patients with life-threatening infections. To be qualified for donation you have to satisfy the eligibility requirements: 1) You are at least 17 years old and weigh 110 lbs. Additional weight requirements apply for donors age 18 or younger; 2) In good health. You generally feel well, even if you’re being treated for a chronic condition; 3) Have a prior, verified diagnosis of COVID-19, but are now symptom free and fully recovered from COVID-19.
- Utah COVID-19 Information Line: 800-456-7707
- University of Utah COVID-19 Hotline: 801-587-0712
- Intermountain Healthcare Hotline: 844-442-5224
- Intermountain COVID-19 Symptom Checker at
- Utah Coronavirus Task Force
- Utah Coronavirus Task Force Donation Link:
- Chinese Utahns’ Action Proposal
- Utah Chinese Community joint-donation link:
- Utah Chinese for Covid-19 on social media:
- Utah Department of Workforce Services (including unemployment insurance):
- We sincerely hope that you can tell the Chinese Utahns Alliance Against COVID-19 about your contributions or those you know! Please submit on Google Form:
=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Shelter in Place, Keep 6’ Distance, Stay Calm, Tele-commute and Tele-medicine. ===
【犹他新冠病毒疫情简要日报】由华人社区防护协调小组发布。该小组由犹他华人社区一群志愿服务者临时自发组成,目的是协调新冠病毒疫情的有关活动和信息。本简报将每天晚上汇集并分享和华人社区最紧密的疫情消息,欢迎各界人士的支持和指正。Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Utah Chinese Community Coordination Group is organized by volunteers from Chinese communities in Utah. Its purpose is to coordinate COVID-19 related efforts and information in the outbreak period. This daily evening briefing shares key information among Chinese Utahans.