犹他华人联合会将协同犹他州旅美科协(CAST-UT)、犹他华人金钉协会等抗疫互助联盟组织举办“新冠疫情纾困计划”公益讲座。讲座时间:犹他本地时间5月3日周日晚 7:30。语言:中文。详情请见海报:http://castut.org/covid-19/UCAU-town%20hall%20flyer%200503.jpg

说明:感谢徐午、何晓、汪刚强、盛晓明,特别是后来加入的李妍、董登攀等各位志愿者的辛勤工作、默默无闻的付出。随着疫情的风险级别变为中等(对应橘黄色风险等级)和经济的重启,今天的疫情简报是最后一次以日报的形式播报。从明天开始,信息小组将依旧关注每天的重要疫情信息,以及防护治疗、困境帮扶和经济复苏等方面信息,并择期汇总发布。您可以标记网址 http://www.castut.org/covid-19 以获取最新简报。如果你需要查看每天犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例等信息,请访问网站 https://coronavirus.utah.gov/ 。 (信息简报小组负责人 杨晓梅)

群力战新冠 爱心献犹他

【5/1 犹他新冠疫情简要日报 6:00pm 山地时间】

=== 疫情期间安全措施:自我隔离、保持6英尺距离、平静面对、远程工作和病症咨询 ===

  1. 美国 – 截止6pm MDT,全国确诊新冠病毒病例: 1,130,801 (自昨晚6pm +36,454)。死亡: 65,548(+1,811),治愈: 138,170(+9,543)。 (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/
  2. 犹他州卫生厅中午公布的确诊新冠病毒病例 4,828(+156),总共测试 112,558人,阳性率4.29%;其中住院人数累计 403(+13),占总病例的8.35%;死亡病例累计 46(+0),死亡率0.95%;估计治愈 2,062(+123)人。犹他州新冠病毒病例的增⻓基本符合亚指数增⻓(p=0.47):http://castut.org/covid-19/utah0501.png. 过去14天平均增长率为每天3.80%,过去7天为每天3.27%。郡(区)分布(格式:总病例/ 住院/ 死亡):Salt Lake 2,526/ 236/ 29, Utah 993/ 47/ 7, Summit 373/ 33/ 0, Davis 293/ 23/ 2, Weber-Morgan 162/ 19/ 2, Wasatch 155/ 7/ 1, Southwest Utah 101/ 13/ 2, Tooele 68/ 6/ 0, Bear River 61/ 10/ 1, San Juan 47/ 7/ 2, Utah 23/ 1/ 0, TriCounty 13/ 1/ 0, Central Southeast Utah 13/ 0/ 0.
  3. 国家疾病控制与预防中心 CDC 已经制定了一系列指导方针,以帮助各州安全地重新向公众开放。 这份17页的文件提供了六类指导:儿童保育项目;学校和走读夏令营; 信仰团体; 有弱势工人的雇主; 餐馆和酒吧; 和大众运输。 总体而言,CDC建议分阶段重新开放,限制大型聚会,并鼓励在餐厅等场所进行容量有限的活动。在重新开放的学校中,鼓励学生分开6英尺而坐。 在餐馆,CDC建议使用一次性菜单,盘子和器皿,不鼓励使用自助式饮料机。随着越来越多的州开始重新开放,会发布更多指南。 资料来源:http://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2020/images/04/30/reopening.guidelines.pdf 
  4. 犹他州本地主流媒体之一 KSL 推文:犹他州劳动力服务部警告说,如果犹他州失业人士拒绝适当的重返工作岗位的机会,则领取失业救济金的人可能会失去每周的失业福利。
  5. 美国食品药品管理局(FDA) 通过了 瑞德西韦( remdesivir ) 的紧急使用许可。但使用对象限制为血氧饱和度低于94%,需要吸氧辅助、插管或人工肺的病人。该药物的分配将由美国政府控制。FDA官方信息:https://www.fda.gov/media/137565/download; https://www.fda.gov/media/137564/download.
  6. 今天,犹他华人联合会会长董效铭、华人民乐团团长陈由义代表犹他华人抗疫互助联盟,通过盐湖城市长办公室,捐赠了 4000 个一次性防护口罩,50瓶洗手液给盐湖城市中心的无家可归者。盐湖城社区总管 Weston Clark先生代表市长办公室接受了捐赠。
  7. 犹他华人联合会将协同犹他州旅美科协(CAST-UT)、犹他华人金钉协会等抗疫互助联盟组织举办“新冠疫情纾困计划”公益讲座。讲座时间:犹他本地时间5月3日周日晚 7:30。语言:中文。详情请见海报:http://castut.org/covid-19/UCAU-town%20hall%20flyer%200503.jpg


Devotion to Our Community
All Utahns Fight Against Coronavirus

【5/1 COVID-19 Briefing by Utah Chinese Communities 6:00pm Mountain Time】

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Shelter in Place, Keep 6’ Distance, Stay Calm, Tele-commute and Tele-medicine. ===

  1. U.S. Confirmed Cases:1,130,801(+36,454), Deaths: 65,548(+1,811), Recovered: 138,170(+9,543). (https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/).  
  2. Utah COVID-19 Cases reported by Utah Department of Health as of today: 4,828(+156) confirmed cases total, number of people tested 112,558, positive rate 4.29%; Hospitalization 403(+13), 8.35% of the total cases; death cases 46(+0), death rate 0.95%; estimated recovered cases 2,062(+123). The growth of coronavirus cases in Utah has been mainly following subexponential growth trend (p=0.47): http://www.castut.org/covid-19/utah0501en.png. The average growth is 3.80% per day for the last 14 days, and 3.27% for the last 7 days. Distribution in counties/areas in the format of “cases/ hospitalization/ death”: Salt Lake 2,526/ 236/ 29, Utah 993/ 47/ 7, Summit 373/ 33/ 0, Davis 293/ 23/ 2, Weber-Morgan 162/ 19/ 2, Wasatch 155/ 7/ 1, Southwest Utah 101/ 13/ 2, Tooele 68/ 6/ 0, Bear River 61/ 10/ 1, San Juan 47/ 7/ 2, Utah 23/ 1/ 0, TriCounty 13/ 1/ 0, Central Southeast Utah 13/ 0/ 0.
  3. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has put together a series of guidelines to help states safely reopen to the public. The 17-page document provides guidance under six categories: child care programs; schools and day camps; communities of faith; employers with vulnerable workers; restaurants and bars; and mass transit. In general, the CDC recommends reopening in stages, limiting large gatherings and encouraging limited capacities in places like restaurants. In schools that reopen, students are encouraged to sit 6 feet apart. In restaurants, the CDC recommends disposable menus, plates and utensils, and discourages the use of self-serve drink machines. The guidelines come as more states move toward reopening.  Source: http://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2020/images/04/30/reopening.guidelines.pdf
  4. KSL tweets: the Utah Department of Workforce Services warned that Utahns receiving unemployment benefits will risk losing their weekly payments if they refuse suitable offers to return to work.
  5. FDA approves remdesivir as emergency use for coronavirus treatment. However, the authorization has following limits: 1) this authorization will be used only to treat adults and children with suspected or laboratory confirmed COVID-19 and severe disease defined as SpO2 ≤ 94% on room air, requiring supplemental oxygen, mechanical ventilation, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), and 2) distribution of the authorized remdesivir will be controlled by the United States Government. Source: https://www.fda.gov/media/137565/download; https://www.fda.gov/media/137564/download.
  6. Today, on behalf of the Chinese Utahns Alliance Against COVID-19 (CUAAC), Dong Xiaoming, president of the United Chinese Association of Utah, and Terry Chen, director of the Utah Chinese Folk Orchestra, donated 4,000 disposable protective masks and 50 bottles of hand sanitizer to the homeless in the Salt Lake City downtown through the Salt Lake City Mayor ’s Office. Salt Lake City Community Outreach Director Mr. Weston Clark accepted the donation on behalf of the Mayor ’s Office.

=== Safety Measures for COVID-19:Shelter in Place, Keep 6’ Distance, Stay Calm, Tele-commute and Tele-medicine. ===

【犹他新冠病毒疫情简要日报】由华人社区防护协调小组发布。该小组由犹他华人社区一群志愿服务者临时自发组成,目的是协调新冠病毒疫情的有关活动和信息。本简报将每天晚上汇集并分享和华人社区最紧密的疫情消息,欢迎各界人士的支持和指正。Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Utah Chinese Community Coordination Group is organized by volunteers from Chinese communities in Utah. Its purpose is to coordinate COVID-19 related efforts and information in the outbreak period. This daily evening briefing shares key information among Chinese Utahans.