

RSVP at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFpqYzk0SFRnRER0X2ZmWTA5SW5wM1E6MA

讲员:彭伟博士(盐湖城地区医疗中心急救医师 http://www.saltlakeregional.com/)。

Dr. Wei Peng was a physician in China. He currently is a medical director of ICU and Respiratory Care in the Salt Lake Regional Medical Center. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine. He also received an award from American Association for Bronchology Interventional Pulmonology in 2005. He has involved multiple levels of business and scientific connection between USA and China. He served CAST-UT as 2011 President, and currently serving the CAST-USA as Vice-President.