For Immediate Release
Salt Lake City
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dr. Rujie Sun
CAST-UT President-Elect

Dr. Le Wan
CAST-UT Past President

2015 CAST-UT Outstanding Research Award

Chinese Association for Science and Technology at Utah (CAST-UT) will hold the annual convention on Jan 24th 2015 at Fort Douglas Ballroom at University Guest House (110 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Building 801). CAST-UT is the largest and most active Chinese organization in Utah, who has actively participated in exchange activities with China in biomedicine, medical hygiene, information technology, energy material, and environmental protection.

As part of 2014 CAST-UT annual convention, the first Outstanding Research Award event has shown its great success. This makes CAST-UT to decide continuing this encouraging event and ceremony for the year of 2015.

Purpose: Promote the Chinese students and scholars research; Outreach for research related startup.
Requirement of award application:
1. This award is open to ALL Utah residents, including Undergraduate, Graduate and PhD students, visiting scholars and company workers in the State of Utah.
2. This award is open to ALL disciplines of study/research.
3. Applicants need submit a brief introduction of themselves, their research and research related applications, less than 2 letter-size pages, in both English and Chinese. (double line spacing, 11 font size, Times New Roman font in English)
4. The awarded students/scholars need present their work in the 2015 annual convention.
5. The awarded students/scholars need present their awarded research within 10 minutes and expect a 5-minute followed-up Q&A section.
Applicants should submit their application no later than Jan 5nd 2015. A specialized academic committee will then review all the applications and determine the best candidates for presentation. Based on the presentation score given by CAST-UT academic committee, all the candidates will be awarded accordingly after the final presentation section.
For more questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Rujie Sun or Dr. Le Wan .

2015 中国旅美科技协会犹他分会优秀研究奖

中国旅美科技协会犹他分会(CAST-UT)将于2015年1月24日在犹他大学Guest House(110 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Building 801)举办盛大年会。作为此次年会的重要组成部分,旅美科协犹他分会将承继去年年会成功举办的犹他优秀研究奖,继续为在犹他学习、研究、工作的学生学者颁发荣誉和奖励,以此来促进犹他学生学者的研究热情,并以科协的影响力来帮助有心创业的人士走出第一步。
1. 此奖项针对目前所有在犹他州生活的学生和学者,包括本科生,博士级硕士研究生,(访问的或当地的)学者/教授,以及从事创新工作的人员
2. 此奖项应用于所有学科的研究
3. 申请者需尽快提交一份文档,其中包括对自己的简单介绍,简要描述自己所研究的课题以及应用,不多于两页纸,包括中文和英文。(双行距, 11号字体, Times New Roman font)
4. 获奖的学生学者需在中国旅美科协犹他分会的2015年会上做一个简单的报告
5. 获奖的学生学者的报告限时10分钟,并有随后的5分钟的讨论环节

申请人需在2015年1月5日之前提交申请,申请人可发信至Dr. Rujie Sun 或者 Dr. Le Wan (我们收到申请后会及时与您回信,如果没有收到,请及时确认)。一个专门的学术委员会会负责审核所有的申请以及决定可以参加年会报告环节的获奖人,奖品以及证书会在年会大会上予以发放。

如有问题,请联系Dr. Rujie Sun 或者 Dr. Le Wan
